Margaret Cox
Kings College London
Margaret Cox is Professor of Information Technology in Education in both the Department for Education and Professional Studies and The Dental Institute at King's College London, University of London and Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne. For more than 40 years Margaret Cox has developed educational software, researched the impact of IT on teaching, learning and assessment in all education sectors, and pioneered the use of the Internet for sharing scientific data in the early 1980s. In the last 10 years she has pioneered the development and evaluation of haptic technologies in dentistry, medicine and other healthcare professions in Higher Education for which her hapTEL project has been awarded 4 separate prizes for outstanding contributions to new technologies in education.She is the current President of the National Conference of University Professors, past President of the Association for IT Teachers in Schools (ACITT which merged with NAACE in 2002) and founder member of the international Edu summits which advise governments world wide on IT in Education.
Research Interest
Dental Education,Information Technology in education, Digital Dentistry.